Body dysmorphia counselling – Body dysmorphia is a condition that is becoming increasingly common in today’s world, especially among young people, and it is one that often requires counselling to resolve. Considered an anxiety disorder, individuals with body dysmorphia have a distorted mental picture of what they look like and often think of themselves as ugly or deformed even when they are not. Attempting to rationalize with an individual with body dysmorphia will usually be ineffective, and counselling remains one of the only ways to truly deal with the underlying causes and intrusive thoughts that make up this condition. The therapists at Horizon Plymouth are experts at navigating the complex mentalities that come into play with body dysmorphia counselling and can help you to explore your feelings and work towards changing the way that you think and speak about yourself.

What does body dysmorphia look like?

To an outside observer, it might be difficult to tell when someone is suffering from body dysmorphia. Some people appear to be vain and self-obsessed as they agonize over their appearance, but, they are fighting an unseen psychological battle that is likely taking a huge toll on their mental health. However, because of the way that the disorder presents, many individuals are afraid to speak up and seek help for fear of appearing conceited. A person who requires counselling to help with body dysmorphia may display some or all of the following signs:

• Spending hours obsessing over their appearance, especially with regards to any perceived flaws or imperfections
• Avoiding mirrors, photographs, or other situations where they might be faced with their appearance
• Excessive dieting, exercise, or cosmetic solutions to correct the perceived issues
• Social isolation, withdrawal, and anxiety when in the presence of others
• Constantly checking or attempting to cover up the perceived flaw

How can counselling help?

Body dysmorphia is a very serious mental health condition, but counselling can help to mitigate any negative outcomes. Usually, body dysmorphia counselling aims to help individuals talk through their feelings to help them reframe the way that they view themselves. It can help individuals come to understand that they are not alone, validating their struggles even as they move beyond them within the safe space that is created within therapy. A counsellor might also be able to help you implement certain strategies that can help you with your recovery. These might include:

  • Joining a support group: Because people suffering from body dysmorphia often feel isolated, it can be helpful to join a support group and meet with others who are dealing with similar issues.
  • Limiting unrealistic comparisons: The prevalence of social media in our digital world means that the unconscious comparisons between seemingly perfect individuals and you are near constant. Limiting social media and other avenues that seem to promote unrealistic body standards can help promote mental clarity as you heal.
  • Practice mindfulness and body awareness: Learning to tune into how your body is really feeling, instead of the way that you feel that it looks, is an important element of recovery. Rather than dieting or other methods to attempt to change the deficits that you feel are present, focusing on cultivating health and mindfulness can help to unconsciously train you to view your body more positively.

If you or someone that you know is suffering from body dysmorphia and would benefit from speaking to a qualified counsellor, reach out to Horizon Plymouth today. Body dysmorphia should not be taken lightly, and our expert team is here to help you heal and move forward. Call Horizon Plymouth today to schedule your initial consultation so that we can speak with you about your circumstances and help you begin on the path of healing.

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