How To Find The Right Therapist For Me – Thousands of people every year seek out the help of a qualified counsellor for a plethora of reasons. Counselling is not only beneficial for working through mental health disorders, and sometimes individuals are surprised at the vast scope of issues that therapy can address. The goals of therapy are broad and can apply to a variety of situations from mental health to relationships to personal crises. At Horizon Plymouth, our expert therapists strive to provide guidance, offer help, develop coping strategies, and so much more with each and every one of the clients that seek our services. We recognize therapy as the valuable tool it can be to provide perspective, relationship skill building, and a safe place to land in your darkest times.

What can therapy help with?

Depression, anxiety, and trauma are diagnoses that people commonly associate with therapy, but many people don’t realize that there is so much more that a counsellor can help you work through. At Horizon Plymouth, we are experienced in multiple specialties and can help individuals through nearly any issue that may arise, including:

  • Relationships: Whether you have recently escaped an abusive relationship, need help navigating the complexities of various family relationships, or have difficulty with meaningful relationships in your work or personal life, counselling can be a valuable tool for growth.
  • Behaviour management: Sometimes what you need is a change in current behaviour whether it be addiction or simply unhealthy habits that you’ve fallen into. A therapist can help provide coping skills, analyse behaviour antecedents, and work productively with you to enact lasting change in your life.
  • Personal growth: Nothing needs to be “wrong” to seek the help of a therapist. Many people find counselling incredibly beneficial to help facilitate their own personal growth and seek out the help of a therapist to continue to make productive and expansive change for the better in their lives.
  • Life changes: Navigating major changes or upheavals in your life, from job changes to moving to a new city to relationship endings, is never easy. An experienced counsellor can help guide you through these changes and work through resulting feelings that you may have.
  • Grief: Anyone who has lost someone that they are close to knows the long, difficult road that grief can take. And, although there is no easy way to get through grief, working with a therapist can help you to process difficult emotions in a much healthier manner than is possible alone.

These are just a handful of the many issues where people find it helpful to enlist the help of a professional counsellor. A therapist can offer a fresh, unbiased perspective or provide hope and clarity to nearly any situation where you are feeling uncertain or unable to stop dwelling on unhealthy or unproductive thoughts.

How to find the right therapist for me

Fortunately, at Horizon Plymouth the job of searching for the right therapist is a simple one. Our team is professional and experienced, and we understand the complexities of every individual’s life, which might require different approaches by different people. A good counsellor should be one who you feel that you can build a trusting relationship with, and one whom you feel comfortable opening up to. If at any point you feel that your relationship with your therapist is not a productive, trusting one, don’t be afraid to speak up and ask to work with someone else—not every therapist and client relationship is a perfect match. At Horizon Plymouth, we take great pains to ensure that you are matched with the perfect therapist for your goals and past life experiences, and we work hard to find the right therapist for you, no matter what.

If you feel that you would like to speak with a counsellor about any issues that you’re working through, the team at Horizon Plymouth is ready to help you start your journey of healing and mental health. Don’t wait any longer—contact us to schedule your initial consultation today.

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