Support For Postnatal Depression – Having a baby can be one of the most magical times of your life—and it is certainly a time of great change and upheaval to the routine of yourself and your family. However, this time of great change in the lives of parents can bring about mental struggles as well, which can put new mothers and parents at risk for postnatal depression. This is a form of depression that occurs soon after a baby’s birth and can significantly impact the experiences and care that new parents are able to provide to their baby and to themselves. Although treatable, postnatal depression is a serious mental health condition that can worsen and persist over time, making treatment with the help of a mental health professional such as one of the counsellors at Horizon Plymouth a necessity for healing.

Symptoms of postnatal depression

Postnatal depression is much more common than many people realise and looking out for the symptoms following the arrival of a new baby can allow you to seek treatment as soon as you are able in order to alleviate symptoms and take full enjoyment in the arrival of your newest family member. Common signs to watch out for as an indication that you might need to seek the help of one of the experts at Horizon Plymouth include:

  • Unshakeable feelings of intense guilt or worry
  • Lethargy and lack of energy no matter how much sleep you get
  • Insomnia or a difficulty falling asleep
  • Withdrawal from friends and those closest to you
  • Persistently low mood and a lack of interest in the world around you
  • Low motivation to care for yourself or your new baby
  • Persistent unease or a difficulty focusing on things and events around you

It is important that new parents—whether it is their first child or not—stay alert for signs of postnatal depression in order to seek early intervention. A key distinction to make, however, is that postnatal depression is different from the general tearfulness and anxiousness that is commonly felt due to rapidly changing hormones immediately following birth. These feelings should subside after approximately two weeks, while postnatal depression is much more persistent and often presents with a slow onset that can begin anytime within the first year of giving birth.

How can counselling help?  

Many individuals struggling with postnatal depression struggle with a deep sense of guilt at feeling so depressed even while such an amazing event—the birth of their child—has brought joy and happiness to everyone around them. Working with a counsellor such as one of the expert staff at Horizon Plymouth can help you work through these feelings of guilt as well as collaboratively begin to treat the symptoms of your postnatal depression. Although everyone’s journey to healing through counselling will look different depending on each person’s circumstances, typically your counsellor will employ a range of different and bespoke techniques for your personal circumstances to help you assess your maladaptive thoughts and work to reframe your experiences. Overall, treatment functions in a similar manner as those suffering from major depressive disorder and most individuals who are being treated for postnatal depression go on to make a full recovery and regain their former level of mental health.

If you feel that you might be suffering from postnatal depression following the birth of your child, don’t wait to seek help. Your mental health is of the upmost importance and mental health disturbances will impact you, your family, and your growing baby. Reach out to one of the expert counsellors at Horizon Plymouth today to schedule your initial consultation and begin your journey towards restoring your health and happiness so that you can more effectively care for yourself and your new baby.

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